We are not your typical petting zoo. We try to offer an educational experience for kids and adults of all ages by placing fun fact signs on the pens about each type of animal. We are primarily a traveling petting zoo. We load up the animals and travel to your site. We try to bring a variety of animals. Read below for more information.
The Animals We Bring
We bring a variety of farm animals to every event, unless the event request just one or two types of animals. We usually bring a llama, an alpaca, a miniature cow, sheep, goats, chickens, ducks, a turkey, a goose, and rabbits. When available we bring piglets, baby chicks and/or baby ducks. For larger events, we bring more of each type of animal to make sure the animals stay hungry.
Types of Events we do
We will travel to any type of event. Here are a few examples.
Town Events or Festivals
We can bring the animals for your town event or festival. Please give us a rough idea of how many you expect to participate. For larger events, we bring more of each animal to make sure they stay hungry throughout the event.
Most town events and festivals we do charge guest for feed. We can offer free feed but we need a way to monitor it. Click here to see the options we offer for free feed.
Company Events
We can come setup for your company event or picnic. Please give us a rough idea of how many you expect to participate. For larger events, we bring more of each animal to make sure they stay hungry throughout the event.
If this is an employee only type event, we can offer free feed depending on the size of your group. If your group is large then we would need to monitor how much each person receives so everyone gets a chance to feed. Click here to see the options we offer for free feed.
Birthday Parties
We do offer petting zoos for birthday parties. Please be aware that we need a large space so not everyone’s yard or driveway are big enough to accommodate our truck and trailer. If you are wanting us to go to a place that is not owned by you, for example a Moose Lodge, you will need to get permission from them to make sure we are able to setup and they are ok with the possibility of some poop left behind. If you live in town, please check with your neighbors. We don’t want someone to cause a problem because of the animals making noise. We will do a Google Maps search of your location to look at the layout and possibly drive/stop by to look at your location before we agree to setup at your place.
We like to arrive before the guest arrive so we have enough room to get parked and setup without a lot of vehicles in the way. We suggest having us come for an hour. In our experience after 45-60 minutes most kids are ready to move onto other activities.
We do not charge for feed at birthday parties. If you plan to have a large group (50 or more), we may need to limit each kids to 2 or 3 cups so everyone gets a chance to feed.
Nursing Homes & Assisted Living Facilities
We offer full petting zoos like we do for other events. We can also do monthly or every couple month visits with a different animal each month, year round. During winter months we can bring some of the smaller animals to visit the residents. We place tarps on the floor under the pens to catch anything that might fall out of the cage. We will bring towels to lay on laps for anyone that might want to hold a bunny or something that is small enough to be held. We obviously would not charge for feed at these facilities, it would be included in the visit. If you are having a open event to the public, we would need to discuss charging outside guest for feed or offer free feed by one of our options listed below, click here for those options.
Live Nativities
We supply animals for Live Nativities. We usually bring a miniature cow, sheep, and Larry plays a camel. We had a hump made for Larry to wear to help him play the part of a camel. We do not own a donkey but our neighbor does and she will come with when available.

Photo Ops

We are more than willing to supply an animal for a photo op. We have used rabbits, llamas, and have taken a pig to several different places for “Kiss a Pig”.
How We Setup
We usually arrive 45-60 minutes before the event begins to setup. We can setup on pavement, gravel, or grass. If the ground is soft from rain, we will need to keep the truck and trailer on pavement or gravel. PLEASE NOTE: The animals will mow and fertilize. So if we are on grass be prepared for all the grass to be gone by the time we are done and a very nice green patch when it grows back. We try our best to clean up any feces but there will always be a few raisins (goats/sheep poop) left behind. If requested at time of booking, we can bring tarps to lay down on hard surfaces (pavement/gravel) that will catch 90% of the feces. There is a $150 additional charge for the use of tarps at large events. Indoor events with just a few animals we do not charge this additional fee.
We prefer to setup alongside our trailer. If this is not possible, we will need to be able to park as close as possible to move the animals from the trailer to the place we will be setup. We also may need a couple t-post in the ground or something next to us to tie the gates off to. The animals tend to slide gates as they are reaching for feed. For indoor events, we place large tarps down. There is still a possibility of urine escaping through so we recommend not setting up on a carpeted area if possible.
We watch the weather leading up to the events and talk to you the day or two before to make plans for bad weather. We will not come if there are severe storms. We also need to consider ice, snow, heat warnings, etc.
Pricing has several variables. It will depend on event location, how large you event is, how many hours you would like us to setup for, and if you would like us to give free feed or sell feed. For larger events, we bring extra llamas, goats, sheep, and/or poultry to make sure everyone stays hungry.
We suggest only one hour for birthday parties. We are willing to do more hours if you would like but from our experience most kids play and feed the animals for a half hour or so and then are ready to go eat and play.
Feed Pricing
We can either sell feed for $.50 for small cup (4.5oz) and $1 for large cup (9oz) OR we can give free feed.
We always offer free feed at small events like birthday parties and for nursing home visits. Larger events like festivals we usually charge for feed. If you prefer us not to charge for feed, we require a way to limit feed so we don’t have an issue with one kid giving several cups of feed and other kids unable to feed because the animals become full. We have a few options to limit the feed. We are open to other options also.
Options to limit feed:
- We have pre-printed free feed coupons that can be handed out at a welcoming/registration/give-away table.
- If your event uses punch cards for kids to do different activities, you can add us to your card and we can punch or sign it when we hand out a cup of feed.
- We have kid safe ink to stamp hands. This option is a little more time consuming and kids don’t always understand why we are doing it, but it is an option if you don’t have a welcoming table.