Rock Falls Summer Splash

Rock Falls Summer Splash 107 1st Ave, Rock Falls, IL, United States

We will be at Rock Falls Summer Splash on 6/23 & 6/24 times to be announced later

City of Davenport

We will be at an event held by City of Davenport on July 12 8a-1p

Emmanuel Baptist Church

We will be at Emmanuel Baptist Church with our Barrel Train for their Vacation Bible School program on July 21, 2023 at 6:45p!

Youth Day

Coleta Sportsmen's Club 21038 Pilgrim Rd, Chadwick, IL

CALLING ALL KIDS… We would like to invite you and your friends, age 3-17, to our summer youth day event. The National Wild Turkey Federation, Pheasants Forever, and Whitetails Unlimited are hosting this event to expose today’s youth to safe, fun, outdoor activities. WHEN: July 22, 2022 WHERE: Coleta Sportsmen’s Club, 2 miles West of […]

Discovery Farm – Carroll County Fair

Carroll County Fairgrounds

Discovery Farm tent at Carroll County Fair We will be setup at the Carroll County Fair with the animals and several fun free games.  We have a nice area for parents to sit and relax while the kids play.  We are setup by the rabbit barn (west side of the track).  We are away from […]

Bolingbrook Jumbilee

We will be at Bolingbrook Jumbilee from Noon - 6pm

Shannon Labor Weekend

We will be in Shannon on 9/3/23 from 11a-3p.  We will be setup next to First State Bank in Shannon.

Booked for wedding event

We will be booked this day for a wedding petting zoo September 9, 2023

P & P Industries

We will be at P & P Industries Company Picnic on Sept 16, 2023 with the petting zoo and barrel train rides.